Thursday, May 21, 2009

Week 3

I checked out a different web-based office suite besides zoho and google docs because I have used both of those and thought I should explore something else. I found one called ThinkFree Online and I made a ppt, spreadsheet and word doc on that host. I included the links down below and sent you an invitation to be a collaborator as instructed in the assignment.

I didn't care for this web-based office too much. It was slow and who likes to wait around?? I have used zoho quite a bit and really like that one. Although I am disappointed to find that zoho is now charging for its wikis. You can only have two wikis for free and have to pay for anything else. I don't know for sure but wouldn't be surprised to find that you are only given a certain amount of space for any of the apps and have to pay above and beyond that. Are they all like that? I don't even know but I hope not.

I can see the value in having your information on the web for accessibility purposes. I don't however mind carrying a zip drive around with my stuff on it so I'll most likely be sticking to that until these suites are as fast and as good as the microsoft office package that I've been using for years and love :)

I use Zoho for a recipe wiki and I have the other wiki on diseases on there that I created in my last class with you Alison. I don't want either one of them erased and I don't want to pay for zoho so I'll have to use another wiki provider if I need it. The word processing, spreadsheet and ppt options are good on zoho even though they have some slight limitations, funky little editing issues and other minor irritations. I like all the different apps that Zoho offers even though I don't use many of them regularly. I have played around with the notebook, planner and chat a bit and found them easy to use.

Should I create another word, excel and ppt on a different web-based office like zoho or google docs?

1 comment:

  1. I love So far they are all free and work wonderfully. I would copy and paste your old wikis there. I hate to see zoho start to charge but wonder if they will last since others do not. I have had great success working with wikis in my class and think it is a great learning environment!
